PETRONAS Promexa is a black coloured lubricant intended for lubrication of machinery or equipment exposed to the atmosphere such as: large and slow speed open gears, wire ropes, springs, and guide racks. PETRONAS Promexa is available in four grades, with or without solvent types. For Promexa with solvent, it is denoted by suffix F such as 332/F. Promexa with solvent can be readily applied whilst the non-solvent type need to be pre-heated prior to application. Promexa shall be applied on clean and dry surface by spraying, dipping or brushing. Promexa 360EP/F is fortified with an extreme pressure additives thus make it suitable for lubrication of open gears subjected to higher dynamic loads. All Promexa with solvent type should be kept properly closed to avoid solvent evaporation.
